Capresso frothPRO Review

Here in the Capresso frothPro review, we’re going to have ourselves a look at an automatic milk frother with a pretty wide base. Is this the right frother for you? Like other automatic frothers, several of which we’ve reviewed here, this is for people who want to be able to do other things while their milk foams up. But just what sets this apart from the rest? Read on and we’ll see.

This review will include a list of features of the product, as well as the benefits we believe it will bring you. We’ll also give you the pros and cons, which might make or break your purchase. Then we’ll tell you what the customers have to say about this frother, before coming to our own conclusion, and then telling you where to get it for a great price.

NOTE: If you already want to buy the Capresso frothPRO and don’t want to read yet another frother review, then just follow this link over to our recommended seller Amazon has its products available for the best deals, and quick and efficient delivery which brings your orders to your doorstep. >>CLICK HERE<<

Features and Benefits

• Two frothing and 1 heating disk
• Three temperature settings
• Dual Auto shut-off
• Large capacity, scratch resistant, ceramic coated pitcher
• Stay cool handle and see through lid

The Capresso frothPRO comes with a little more extra than the usual. Most other automatic milk frothers we’ve reviewed here came with only one frothing disk and one heating disk. Capresso takes the extra step, however, and gives you two frothing disks right off the bat. No, it’s not for frothing twice as fast, though that would have been a nifty feature. It’s a backup disk, in case you lose or break the first one.

Again, going the extra mile, Capresso included three temperature settings. While most automatic frothers that have gone through our reviews usually only set to either hot or cold frothing, the frothPRO can froth cold, (scalding) hot, or warm, for those who don’t want to burn their tongue. No more needing to wait for your hot foam to cool down, because you can set it to heat it up to “just right”, as Goldilocks would put it.

The frothPRO comes with a dual shut-off system, which will stop whatever it’s doing, either when it reaches the right temperature, or you forgot it was still running and decided to pull the carafe out of the base. Either way, that means you’ll be safe from any unwanted kitchen accidents related to this machine.

The carafe has an unusually large capacity. While by no means as big as another high capacity automatic frother we’ve reviewed here, at 12 oz (over 350 ml) for heating and 8 oz (almost 240ml) for frothing, that’s quite a bit larger than the norm. You’ll be able to make more foam in the same amount of time. The carafe is also coated in a ceramic non-stick material, making it easy to clean. It comes with a stay cool handle, which means you don’t have to worry about burning your hands when picking it up, and a see-through lid, to check whether the froth has been done to your liking.

So What’s The Point?

I think the point here is that the frothPRO comes with many little extras, little features that set it apart from other automatic frothers. Sort of like the Japanese concept of kaizen, which takes an already established concept and then improves on it in tiny, minute increments, that compound over time, the frothPRO has a little something in most aspects that are better than the competition.
Some other examples of this include three illuminated buttons for the temperature settings, so you know what you’re getting, a dishwasher safe carafe, and even the frothing disk itself is patented for superior performance.

These little extras might seem insignificant individually, but taken as a whole, make this product worth buying.

Perfectly Imperfect

The most obvious issue is the list price of $75 at our suggested retailer. Now if this puts it out of your budget, you’re probably better off getting a handheld milk frother. If you really want this particular piece of equipment, however, then we suggest waiting for a promo to come up – and they happen pretty often.
As it always is with handheld and automatic frothers, it

becomes a balancing act of budget vs convenient automation vs speed of foaming, and it’s entirely up to what you need.

Click Here to check out the Capresso frothPRO on!

Wisdom of the Masses

We took a look at the frothPRO’s scores on our recommended seller, and here’s what we found. As of this writing, it has 3.9 stars, which isn’t as stellar as other automatic frothers we’ve reviewed here, but that doesn’t stop it from being on the bestseller list. 58% of reviewers gave it 5 stars. That’s always a good indicator.

It has been praised for producing an excellent froth, apparently effective enough to produce microfoam when compared to handheld frothers. The foam has been described as “meringue-like”, which as you can imagine would make for some great toppings on you lattes. It also comes with a one-year warranty, which means you’re good for up to a year. Be sure to inquire about the fine print though!

However, there have also been complaints that we believe are valid, and are likely the reason why it only has 3.9 stars despite the nice frothing results.

The cord is said to be a tad too short, a little more length would be appropriate.

There are certain things that aren’t included in the instructions, such as the issue that the carafe comes with a pivot point that wears out over time. Someone spent an extra $50 ordering a replacement unit when he could have just ordered a replacement carafe. Neither are there instructions on how to remove the disk from the bottom of the carafe.

Lastly, the bottom of the carafe tends to get very hot once heating is done. It would be best to avoid touching it right after prepping a hot froth, lest you want to get burned. It also apparently gets hot enough to leave marks on laminate surfaces. I’d recommend putting it on an insulating surface like a pot holder. Once you’ve poured out the froth and milk, try dipping the bottom in some water to cool it down.

Overall, I think the forthPRO is a pretty good frother. It just needs a bit more of effort to understand everything, considering a lack of instructions for certain little things in the manual. Would I buy it? Given its price point, there are more convenient automatic frothers out there… but all the little perks, I think, make this one worthwhile. So yes, I’d get it.

Where would I get it, then? No other place but our recommended seller, With its great prices and fast, efficient delivery, you’re bound to be satisfied with their excellent service.

So what are you waiting for? Click through the link below to see the frothPRO on Amazon:

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